World news story

Human Rights Council 33, UK Statement on Libya, 28 September 2016

UK Statement delivered during the interactive dialogue on Libya with SRSG Kobler and the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights

This was published under the 2016 to 2019 May Conservative government
The Human Rights Council takes place at the Palais des Nations in Geneva

The Human Rights Council takes place at the Palais des Nations in Geneva

The UK shares the concerns highlighted by the High Commissioner on the human rights and humanitarian situation in Libya.

We welcome the continued progress being made by the Presidency Council and Government of National Accord in Libya. Weare grateful to SRSG Kobler for his unrelenting efforts to maintain the momentum of the political process. We now need to see faster delivery on the ground, including ending impunity for violations and abuses across the country. Armed militia and extremist/terrorist groups such as Daeshcontinue to commit crimes including unlawful killings, arbitrary detention, enforced disappearances,torture and attacks on civilians, the judiciary, human rights defenders and ethnic minority groups. These atrocities, which may amount to war crimes, remain a serious concern.

We recognise the serious challenges facing the Libyan authorities. So it is vital that the international community supports the Government of National Accord to help them fulfil the human rights commitments they have made. A sustainable, comprehensive peace that unifies the security forces and restores the economy may create conditions for improvements in the human rights situation and reduce the space for armed groups, terrorists and organised criminals.

The UK welcomes local efforts towards achieving reconciliation, such as the recent agreement between Tawergha and Misrata, and other prisoner release agreements. In the medium and long term the cycle of violence and extremism must be ended by addressing the grievances of disenfranchised communities, regenerating neglected areas, and providing Libya’s young people with education and opportunities which encourage them to leave armed militias and reintegrate into society.

We welcome Libya’s continued constructive engagement with the Human Rights Council, including the Human Rights Council Resolution adopted on 22 March. In this regard, the UK would like to ask what capacity building support might improve accountability, including for crimes by Daesh?

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Published 28 September 2016