World news story

Human Rights Council: 18th Session of the Universal Periodic Review Working Group, Geneva, 27 January to 7 February 2014

Statement by UK Mission Geneva on the Universal Periodic Review of Chile, 28 January 2014.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government
The UN building in Geneva

The Universal Periodic Review takes place at the Palais des Nations, Geneva

Thank you Mr President,

The United Kingdom welcomes Chile’s engagement in the UPR process and the Human Rights Council. We congratulate Chile on passing its new Anti-discrimination legislation.

The UK is concerned by reports of excessive use of violence on the part of law enforcement agencies in response to social protest, in particular the protests by Mapuche activists in the Araucania region. The UK encourages Chile to hold consultations with indigenous groups when development projects are envisaged which directly affect them as part of its commitment to ILO Convention 169.

We were saddened by the tragic death of 81 prisoners at the San Miguel prison fire in 2010. The UK is pleased to work with Chile’s Ministry of Justice in support of efforts undertaken since that incident to improve prison conditions.

We have two recommendations:

  1. That Chile keeps under review legislation pertaining to the policing of social protests and the tactics deployed in response by law enforcement agencies, and ensures that any excessive use of force is investigated and prosecuted.

  2. That Chile strengthens public education initiatives to ensure citizens are aware of rights associated with the new Anti-discrimination law, and continues to promote equality through appropriate legislation, policy and practice.

Thank you.

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Published 29 January 2014