World news story

Celebration of HM Queen Elizabeth II’s 91st birthday in Ethiopia

The British Embassy in Addis Ababa celebrates HM Queen II's 91st birthday on 18 April 2017.

This was published under the 2016 to 2019 May Conservative government
HMA Susanna and DA cutting the Cake

HM Queen Elizabeth II’s birthday celebration was attended by high level government and military officials, the diplomatic community and friends of the British Embassy.

The event was colourfully celebrated with special guest Lemn Sisay – the celebrated British poet, who has Ethiopian heritage as well as various activities including a photographic exhibition of key iconic and candid moments in the UK-Ethiopia relationship and an art exhibition by three Ethiopian artists (Yonatan Wondwossen, Wondewossen Melakeselam and Yared Oliveli).

Ambassador Susanna Moorehead said:

Both our countries have agreed an innovative jobs compact that will create jobs for Ethiopians and for vulnerable refugees who might otherwise be tempted to put their lives in the hands of people traffickers and head for Europe. We have worked together to educate Ethiopian children, to provide healthcare and to respond to the drought that has hit the East African region for the second year in a row. We have also worked together to improve the quality of global peacekeeping, through the courses that are run here at the Ethiopian Peace Support Training Centre and through our co-operation in the run up to Ethiopia joining the UN Security Council – for which we offer our congratulations and support.

As a friend of Ethiopia and the Ethiopian people, we want to see this country be stable in order to thrive, both today and the long term. We continue to offer our support.

Speaking about the African Union, Ambassador Moorehead said:

We wish the new commission every success and look forward to working with it and with Member States on the challenges and opportunities in Africa today –especially in the areas of peace and security, trade and migration.

Ambassador Susanna extended her sincere gratitude to Globeleq, leading innovators and investors in power production in Africa, for being a Gold sponsor. Corbetti, Unilever, Diageo being Silver sponsors and Cluff Geothermal, KPMG and Dashen brewery for being bronze sponsors of the event.

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Published 21 April 2017