World news story

Friendship Day launches new era in Paraguay – UK relations

On Tuesday 30 July, Her Majesty’s Ambassador, Dr. Jeremy Hobbs, presented his credentials to President Franco at the Presidential Palace.

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British Ambassador to the Republic of Paraguay, Dr. Jeremy Hobbs, presented his letters of credence to His Excellency President Franco

British Ambassador to the Republic of Paraguay, Dr. Jeremy Hobbs, presented his letters of credence to His Excellency President Franco

Following the eight-year absence of a permanent British diplomatic presence in Paraguay, newly designated British Ambassador to the Republic of Paraguay, Dr. Jeremy Hobbs presented his letters of credence to His Excellency President Franco at the Palace today.

Dr Hobbs conveyed to President Franco the warmest regards of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth and the UK government’s desire to mark a new chapter in UK-Paraguay cooperation with the re-opening of the British Embassy.

During the ceremony, President Franco and Ambassador Hobbs discussed shared objectives such as boosting bilateral trade and investment and strengthening business links. Both made reference to the long history shared by Paraguay and the UK including the UK’s role in constructing the county’s railway system in the 19th century. President Franco highlighted how pleased he was to see the UK back in Paraguay.

Following the ceremony, Ambassador Hobbs said:

The relationship between the UK and Paraguay is set to take off now that we are back in country. It is an excellent moment for British business to look closely at the opportunities Paraguay has to offer. As an Embassy we stand ready to support them. I am pleased to note that a Paraguayan business delegation will shortly be visiting the UK to boost trade links in the textile and fashion industry.

The final act of the ceremony was a formal wreath-laying at the national mausoleum commemorating Paraguay’s Fallen and National Heroes.

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Published 30 July 2013