World news story

British businesses remain interested in Australasia

British businesses have demonstrated that their interest in exporting to Australia and New Zealand remains strong.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government
London Big Ben

British businesses continue to show a keen interest in Australia and New Zealand; exports to Australia were worth almost A$11 billion last year, up 6% on the year before.

On a recent trade development visit to the UK, Scott Strain, Director of Trade for UK Trade & Investment (UKTI) Australia & New Zealand, and Jim Thompson, Senior Trade Development Manager, briefed over 200 companies on the business opportunities in Australia.

While in the UK, Scott and Jim took part in UKTI’s Explore Export, a programme which saw representatives from 70 countries meeting with British companies to brief them with the aim of helping them bring their products, services and technology to the market.

“UK business interest in Australia and New Zealand was very strong and the quality of the companies we met was high.” said Scott Strain. “The sessions we conducted throughout the tour were all full with attendance on par with those run by the USA and China, we would have talked to around 150 companies between us.”

In addition to the Explore Export programme, Scott and Jim joined leading UK ICTcompanies at a special event in London where the 50 attendees were given valuable information about the fast-growing Australasian market and major opportunities within the ICT sector.

“We had a busy and exhilarating week and are now following up with our many new clients. This bodes well for the future of UK exports to this region,” said Strain.

For more information on exporting to Australia or New Zealand, visit:

UKTI Australia

UKTI New Zealand

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Published 28 November 2013