World news story

British Ambassador visits Alexandria

British Ambassador meets with governor, business groups and celebrates the achievements of women in a two day trip

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government
Governor of Alexandria

The British Ambassador to Egypt, James Watt, visited Alexandria on 30 November to 1 December. He had meetings with HE the Governor and the members of the Alexandria Business Association (ABA), as well as attending an event to celebrate the achievements of Alexandrian women at the British Consulate-General.

The Ambassador briefed the Governor on the re-opening of the British Council’s teaching centre in Alexandria, 11 years after it closed. As a sign of the UK’s commitment to Egypt, the British Council has expanded its operation in Alexandria, and hopes to provide English teaching for up to 1,000 students next year. The British Council also signed a protocol with the Alexandria Business Association (ABA) to strengthen the skills and employability of young people.

The Ambassador also discussed the UK’s interest in strengthening trade relations with Alexandria and the surrounding north coast governorates and investment opportunities for UK companies with both the Governor and the ABA. He also met over 50 prominent Alexandrian women from various fields including business, civil society and the media.

Speaking after the visit, Ambassador Watt said: “It was wonderful to be back in Alexandria and to see again the energy and positive spirit the city has. Alexandria is an exciting trading city with many high quality educational establishments, with huge numbers of students. My country looks forward to forming an even closer partnership with the city in coming weeks and months.”

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Published 5 December 2013