World news story

Britain does recognise Anzac Diggers' sacrifice

British High Commissioner HE Paul Madden's letter to the editor as published in Australia's The Daily Telegraph newspaper.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

As published in The Daily Telegraph, Friday 10 January:

Your report suggesting that Britain will downplay the role of Aussie diggers in WW1 is completely incorrect. (“British plan ANZAC whitewash”, Jan 9).

Britain fully recognises the sacrifice made by the ANZACs in WW1 and we understand and respect the importance of the ANZAC spirit in the national consciousness of Australia and New Zealand. PM Cameron has said “I am committed to ensuring that our centenary commemorations properly recognise the Commonwealth contribution and the sacrifices they made”. Our two Governments have been working closely together on plans for World War One commemorations. These will recognise the role of the ANZACs at Gallipoli and on the Western Front. The Gallipoli centenary in April 2015 will of course be marked in London as well as at Gallipoli and across Australia. The Minister responsible for Britain’s WW1 centenary commemorations, Dr Andrew Murrison MP, visited Australia last October to discuss plans with his Australian counterpart Senator Michael Ronaldson. I and my team at the High Commission in Canberra have been working closely with the ANZAC Centenary Advisory Board, the Australian War Memorial and the Department of Veterans Affairs.

Paul Madden

British High Commissioner to Australia

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Published 10 January 2014