World news story

Anti discrimination training for Macedonian institutions

British Embassy provides support in strengthening capacities for anti discrimination in Macedonia.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government
Anti discrimination training for Macedonian instittutions.

Ambassador Christopher Yvon and Minister of Labour and Social Policy Dime Spasov launch training on anti discrimination.

Strengthened capacity of the regional services for handling discrimination is the outcome of the anti discrimination training which was launched in Ohrid on 23 September within a British Embassy supported project.

Our Ambassador Christopher Yvon and Minister of Labour and Social Policy Dime Spasov jointly opened the event. In his address Ambassador Yvon said:

I am glad that we are able to support this project in close cooperation with the British Council in Macedonia. Work on anti discrimination is very important - our experience from the UN system of special protections for certain groups underlines this point. The work of institutions needs to start at ground level when we speak about opportunities and equal treatment of all individuals. We are glad to see Macedonian institutions including anti discrimination in training modules and we hope that this will boost accessibility of the training.

The project contributes to capacity building for the Macedonian Ministry of Labour and Social Policy for implementation of the Strategy for Equality and Non-discrimination. It is being implemented by the British Council Macedonia and will be completed in 2014.

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Published 24 September 2013