Official Statistics

Topics for comment

We seek views on major changes to our statistical publications, in line with the National Statistics Code of Practice and on other statistics…


Ministry of Justice statistics in 2009/10 and consultation on 2010/11 statistics work plan

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Ministry of Justice statistics in 2009/10 and consultation on 2010/11 statistics work plan

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Consultation on publication of reoffending data and analysis

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Consultation on offender management statistics

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We seek views on major changes to our statistical publications, in line with the National Statistics Code of Practice and on other statistics issues.


On the 17th March 2011 the Ministry of Justice published its response to the consultation on Improvements to Ministry of Justice statistics.  A total of 112 responses were received from a wide range of interested parties including magistrates, criminal justice partners and others. We will be introducing the changes we put forward and the MoJ Statistical Work plan for 2011/12 can be found in Annex B of the response paper.


We have received your views on the following topics:

Ministry of Justice statistics in 2009/10 and consultation on 2010/11 statistics work plan

In line with the code of practice for official statistics, we are consulting on our statistical work plan for 2010/11. Comments are invited from all users of Ministry of Justice Statistics.

Improvements to Ministry of Justice statistics

A consultation from the Ministry of Justice’s Chief Statistician seeking feedback on proposals to make criminal justice statistics more transparent and user friendly.

Consultation on improvements to Ministry of Justice statistics

Ministry of Justice statistics in 2009/10 and consultation on 2010/11 statistics work plan

In line with the code of practice for official statistics, we are consulting on our statistical work plan for 2010/11. Comments are invited from all users of Ministry of Justice Statistics.

Prison population projections

Proposed changes on the methods used for the Prison population projections.

Court statistics (quarterly)

The addition of a new table showing the average waiting time between a committal or the lodging of an appeal and the start of the substantive Crown Court hearing, broken down by type of case.

Consultation on new compendia publication on reoffending statistics

A consultation on our plans for a new compendia publication on reoffending to meet user requests, which were not covered by the existing National Statistics.

Judicial and court statistics and court statistics quarterly

Proposed changes to the annual judicial and court statistics and quarterly court statistics.

Mortgage and landlord possession statistics

Changes to the National Statistics on possession actions following responses from users.

Licence recall and return to custody statistics

A consultation on proposals to publish a full range of statistics on licence recalls and returns to custody on a regular basis.

Consultation on offender management statistics

A consultation on proposals to improve the presentation and publication of offender management statistics, including licence recalls and returns to custody.

The consultation on proposed changes to offender management statistics has now closed. 

We received a limited but welcoming response. We will, therefore, be introducing the changes we put forward and these are reflected in the publication schedule for 2010.

We received some other proposals which we will consider when developing our statistical work plan for 2010/11. We will consult with users on this work plan in the period December 2009 to February 2010.

Updates to this page

Published 16 February 2012

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