Official Statistics

Statistics archive

An archive of statistics relating to the operation of the criminal and civil justice systems.


An archive of statistics relating to the operation of the criminal and civil justice systems, on aspects of criminal justice policy, and on other areas of our responsibility.

Arrests for recorded crime (notifiable offences) and the operation of certain police powers under PACE archive
Archive of National Statistics on arrests for recorded crime (notifiable offences) and the operation of certain police powers under the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (PACE).

Average time from arrest to sentence for persistent young offenders archive
Archive of National Statistics on the time taken to bring persistent young offenders to justice.

Company winding up and bankruptcy petition statistics archive
Archive of quarterly National Statistics on company winding up and bankruptcy petitions in England and Wales.

Coroners: statistics on deaths reported archive
Archive of annual National Statistics on deaths reported to coroners, including inquests and post-mortems held, inquest verdicts returned and finds reported to coroners under treasure legislation.

Criminal statistics annual report archive
Archive of National Statistics on annual criminal statistics in England and Wales.

End of custody licence releases and recalls statistics archive
Archive of monthly statistics on the numbers released from prison on end of custody licence and offenders recalled back to prison during the end of custody licence period.

Freedom of information: statistics on implementation in central government archive
Archive of statistics on the handling of requests for information made under the Freedom of Information Act by 43 central government bodies, including all departments of state.

Her Majesty’s Courts Service court user survey archive
Survey measuring the satisfaction of court users, both public and professional, across England and Wales.

Judicial and court statistics (annual) archive
Archive of statistics on criminal and civil courts, the judiciary and some associated offices in England and Wales for whose administration the Ministry of Justice is responsible.

Knife crime sentencing quarterly brief archive
Quarterly statistical bulletin describing trends in cautioning and sentencing, probation supervision and prison population for possession of a knife or offensive weapon in England and Wales.

Local adult reoffending archive
Statistics on the reoffending of adults on the probation caseload.

MAPPA reports
Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements annual reports demonstrating accountability to the communities of the 42 regions represented in England and Wales.

Mortgage and landlord possession statistics archive
Quarterly National Statistics on possession actions issued in county courts by mortgage lenders and social and private landlords in England and Wales.

Motoring offences and breath test statistics archive
An archive of National Statistics on motoring offences and breath tests.

Offender management caseload statistics archive
Archive of offender management statistics, covering probation and prisons in England and Wales.

Population in custody archive
Archive of monthly statistical release presenting tables on the population in custody with summary figures on the population in prison establishments, police cells, secure children’s homes and secure training centres.

Probation statistics brief (quarterly) archive
Archive of quarterly statistical release on the use of community sentences.

Race and the criminal justice system archive
Archive of statistical information on the representation of black and minority ethnic groups as suspects, offenders and victims within the criminal justice system and on employees within criminal justice agencies.

Reoffending of adults archive
Archive of National Statistics on the reoffending of adults released from custody or starting a community sentence in England and Wales in the first quarter of a particular year.

Reoffending of juveniles archive
Archive of National Statistics on the reoffending of juveniles released from custody or commencing out-of-court or non-custodial court disposals in England and Wales in the first quarter of a particular year.

Sentencing statistics (annual) archive
Archive of annual National Statistics on long-term trends in sentencing in England and Wales.

Sentencing statistics brief (quarterly) archive
Archive of quarterly statistics on high-level trends in court sentencing.

Statistics of mentally disordered offenders archive
Archive of National Statistics on mentally disordered offenders.

Time intervals for criminal proceedings in magistrates’ courts archive
Archive of National Statistics on time intervals for criminal proceedings in magistrates’ courts.

Women and the criminal justice system archive
Archive of summary report bringing together statistics produced by a range of agencies relating to the experience of women within the criminal justice system.

Published 11 March 2012