Accredited official statistics

School and college performance tables in England: 2017 to 2018

The attainment and progress of students at the end of 16 to 18 study in England.

Applies to England


School and college performance tables in England: 2017 to 2018


The 16 to 18 performance tables show the results of sixth-form age students in secondary schools and further education colleges who finished 16 to 18 study by the end of academic year 2017 to 2018.

The results include:

  • attainment in level 3 qualifications including A levels, academic, tech levels and applied general

  • progress made by students between key stage 4 and graded level 3 qualifications (excluding tech levels)

  • English and maths progress (for students who did not achieve A* to C in GCSE or equivalent English and maths qualifications by the end of key stage 4)

  • attainment in level 2 vocational qualifications and technical certificate qualifications

The tables also show how these results compare with other schools and colleges in a local authority area and in England as a whole.

We will publish the completion and attainment measure and retention measure in March 2019.

Figures accounting for amendments made after November 2018 will be published in April 2019.

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Published 24 January 2019

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