Official Statistics

Renewable fuel statistics 2021: Final report (revised)

Supply of renewable fuels for January to December 2021.



Revision notice

Finalised data relating to carbon intensities and the resultant greenhouse gas savings in table RF_0105b of Renewable fuel statistics 2021 have been revised.  This is due to the identification of a historic processing error in which default estimated values of carbon intensities for each fuel type (used to estimate greenhouse gas savings) were mistakenly used in calculations instead of the actual values reported by users. This caused the final estimates of greenhouse gas savings from each type of renewable fuel to be systematically either over or underestimated.

The impact of this revision, based on 2021 data has been that the average value of carbon intensity has been changed by 33.7% (6.9 gCO2e/MJ) but in the most extreme cases by up to 615.4% (80 gCO2/MJ) – note that such large percentage changes are the result of calculating numbers from a low base. This data has now been corrected and the tables reflect more accurate estimates of greenhouse gas savings. No other tables or figures have been affected by this.

  Changes to methodology

From 2021 onwards, there has been a methodological change to the calculation of greenhouse gas savings and carbon intensity. These calculations now use a weighted average to more accurately reflect the effect of the overall fuel supply. As a consequence of this change in methodology, figures for greenhouse gas savings and carbon intensity for the period 2008 to 2021 have been revised. More detail, including the impact of these changes, can be found in an explanatory changes to methodology section in this report.

We have incorporated changes to the report and tables as a result of changes to the legislation. Further information on these changes are available in the accompanying notes and definitions.

Statistics on the supply of renewable fuels, reported under the Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation for 2021, based on data available as of 10 October 2022.

This is the final report for 2021 and therefore contains complete dataset for the year.

The report and accompanying tables includes information on the:

  • amount of UK road transport fuel from renewable and fossil fuel
  • number of Renewable Transport Fuel Certificates (RTFCs) which have been issued to fuel meeting the sustainability requirements
  • balance of RTFCs by obligation period
  • trades of RTFCs between suppliers and traders
  • carbon and sustainability characteristics of the renewable fuel to which RTFCs have been issued
  • voluntary scheme data of renewable transport fuel

For more details, see the notes and definitions.

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Renewable fuel statistics


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Published 10 November 2022
Last updated 7 June 2023 + show all updates
  1. Finalised data relating to carbon intensities and the resultant greenhouse gas savings in table RF_0105b of Renewable fuel statistics 2021 have been revised.

  2. First published.

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