Official Statistics

Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit quarterly statistics: March 2011

Data on the claims paid under the benefit scheme throughout the quarter.



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People who are disabled because of an industrial accident or prescribed industrial disease may be able to get Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit (IIDB).

The customer cannot normally get IIDB until 90 days (excluding Sundays) after the date of the accident or the date they started to suffer from the prescribed disease.

To get the basic benefit the customer needs a medical assessment of the degree of their disability caused by the injury or disease. This is expressed as a percentage. A customer who claimed IIDB before 1 October 1986 and was assessed as being between 1% and 19% disabled normally got a lump sum gratuity. How much they got depended on the degree of their disability and the period of assessment.

Since 1 October 1986 any claim resulting in an assessment of less than 14% disabled does not normally attract benefit unless the disability is caused by pneumoconiosis, byssinosis or diffuse mesothelioma. If a customer claims benefit for more than 1 industrial accident or disease the assessments may be added together and benefit awarded on the total.

If a customer is assessed as being 14% disabled or more, they will be paid a weekly disablement pension. How much they get depends on the percentage of their disability. If they are assessed as being 14% to 19% disabled, they are paid at the 20% rate. If they are assessed as over 20% disabled their assessments are rounded up or down to the nearest 10%. For example 34% would be rounded down to 30% and 35% would be rounded up to 40%. Benefit can only be paid in respect of occupational deafness if the assessment is 20% or more.

The customer’s occupation or any loss of earnings are not taken into account in the assessment of their disability but they may get allowances added to their basic benefit. If the customer is entitled to other social security benefits, these will be paid as well as IIDB.


When using figures in time series please access the most recent release as revisions to statistics may not appear in earlier releases.

Section 1: Industrial injuries time series

IIDB 1.1 - Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit and Reduced Earnings Allowance in payment by type of assessments payable

IIDB 1.2 -Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit and Reduced Earnings Allowance in payment by average weekly amount payable

IIDB 1.3 -Industrial Injury assessments in payment by prescribed disease

IIDB 1.4 - Industrial Injury assessments in payment by cause of accident

IIDB 1.5 - New Industrial Injury claims by type of claim

IIDB 1.6 - Industrial Injury new prescribed disease and accident claims by Government Office Region

IIDB 1.7 - Industrial Injury new prescribed disease claims by prescribed disease

IIDB 1.8 - Industrial Injury new accident claims by cause of accident

IIDB 1.9 - Industrial Injury first diagnosed prescribed diseases all assessments by payability and success rate

IIDB 1.9A - Industrial Injury first diagnosed prescribed diseases all assessments by payability and success rate, against all assessments made in the quarter.

IIDB 1.10 - Industrial Injury first diagnosed prescribed diseases all assessments by type of disease

IIDB 1.10A - Industrial Injury first diagnosed prescribed diseases all assessments resulting in payment by type of disease

IIDB 1.11 - Industrial Injury first diagnosed prescribed diseases all assessments by Standard Industry Classification

IIDB 1.11A - Industrial Injury first diagnosed prescribed diseases all assessments resulting in payment and Standard Industry Classification

IIDB 1.12 - Industrial Injury first diagnosed prescribed diseases assessed relating to asbestos

IIDB 1.12A - Industrial Injury first diagnosed prescribed diseases all assessments resulting in payment relating to asbestos

Section 2: Industrial Injury new claims and first diagnosed assessments within the quarter

IIDB 2.1 - Industrial Injury Disablement Benefit and Reduced Earnings Allowance in payment at March 2011, by type of assessments payable, by sex and age group

IIDB 2.2 - Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit and Reduced Earnings Allowance in payment at March 2011, by type of assessments payable and government office region

IIDB 2.3 - Industrial Injury claims in the quarter ending March 2011, by type of claim, country, sex and age group

IIDB 2.4 - Industrial Injury claim decisions made in the quarter ending March 2011, by type and outcome

IIDB 2.5 - Industrial Injury first diagnosed all assessments in the quarter ending March 2011, by type of assessment, country, sex and age group

IIDB 2.6 - Industrial Injury prescribed diseases, first diagnosed all assessments in the quarter ending March 2011, by occupation and prescribed disease

IIDB 2.7 - Industrial Injury prescribed diseases, first diagnosed all assessments in the quarter ending March 2011, by prescribed disease and percentage assessment

IIDB 2.8 - Industrial Injury prescribed diseases, first diagnosed all assessments in the quarter ending March 2011, by Standard Industry Classification, prescribed disease and payablility

IIDB 2.9 - Industrial Injury prescribed diseases - D1, D4 and D7, first diagnosed all assessments in the quarter ending March 2011, by attributable agent and percentage assessment

Section 3: Pneumoconiosis Workers’ Compensation time series

IIDB 3.1 - Pneumoconiosis Act 1979 by type of claimant and payment

IIDB 3.2 - 2008 Mesothelioma Scheme by type of claimant and payment

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Published 8 October 2011

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