Official Statistics

Incorporated companies in the United Kingdom - May 2015

Information on companies and limited liability partnerships incorporated in the United Kingdom for May 2015.



Monthly statistics on companies, including the number of incorporations, dissolutions, documents registered and the total size of the register at Companies House.

Previous statistics

You can read previous statistics releases for incorporated companies or statistics releases from previous years scan be found on The National Archives.

Updates to this page

Published 25 June 2015
Last updated 17 December 2015 + show all updates
  1. A production error was discovered in this document originally published on 25 June 2015. The second bullet on page 4 of ‘Key points’ and on page 8 ‘The growth in incorporated companies’. The ‘Total and the Effective Register increase’ was incorrectly shown as 2.7m. This error has now been corrected to 2.5m. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

  2. First published.

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