Research and analysis

Waking Watch Relief Fund Data as of 30 September 2021

Published 14 October 2021

Applies to England


We are publishing data on the progress of the Waking Watch Relief Fund demonstrating the number of applications and buildings that have been approved for funding; the funding amounts; as well as a detailed breakdown of administering authorities’ data. The data will be updated regularly.

Table 1: First, second and third application window (data as of 30 September 2021)

Title 1st application window 2nd application window 3rd application window (ongoing) Total
No. of applications 213 60 8 281
No. of buildings 312 70 15 397
No. of successful applications 157 26 3 186
No. of successful buildings 242 33 6 281
No. of rejected applications 38 32 1 71
No. of withdrawn applications 14 1 0 15
No. of pending applications 4 1 4 9
Amount of funding approved £19.9m £3.6m £0.6m £24.1m
No. of leasehold dwellings covered by successful applications* - - - 22,250
Mean WW cost per dwelling per month** - - - £144
Median WW cost per dwelling per month** - - - £90

*Likely an underestimate due to missing data on the number of dwellings for three applications.
**There is some missing data for the Greater London Authority (GLA) and Greater Manchester within the 1st application window, and for the 2nd application window. Within the data provided there is a large range of Waking Watch costs with some high outliers. Therefore, both the mean and median are included in the table as large outliers can skew the mean but have little impact on the median.

Table 2: Split by administering authority. All application windows (data as of 30 September 2021)

Local Authority Applications Approved Applications Rejected Applications Withdrawn Applications Pending Applications Buildings Approved Buildings Approved funding
Birmingham 9 8 1 0 0 9 8 £1.6m
Bristol 3 2 0 0 1 3 2 £0.1m
Greater London Authority 111 72 24 12 3 173 122 £8.7m
Greater Manchester Combined Authority 25 20 5 0 0 38 33 £2.5m
Leeds 10 9 0 1 0 12 11 £1.8m
Liverpool 19 17 2 0 0 20 18 £1.7m
Newcastle 3 3 0 0 0 3 3 £0.3m
Sheffield 6 5 0 1 0 7 6 £0.5m
DLUHC (1st tranche) 27 21 6 0 0 47 39 £2.7m
DLUHC (2nd tranche) 60 26 32 1 1 70 33 £3.6m
DLUHC (3rd tranche)* 8 3 1 0 4 15 6 £0.6m

*3rd tranche is open and ongoing and will close on 10 December 2021.

Data quality

Data is provided by applicants to the Waking Watch Relief Fund, with some local authorities administering the fund. DLUHC does not have full oversight of their systems and quality procedures. Guidance and documentation is available throughout the application process.

Although some data cleaning took place to exclude duplicate applications, the data provided was not subject to additional quality assurance. Data providers were not, for example, contacted for clarifications and corrections unless necessary for assessing the eligibility of the application.

There is missing data across a number of fields, for example Waking Watch costs and number of dwellings, and averages are calculated on a subset of applications. Some data on Waking Watch costs has been excluded from analysis where outliers have been identified, such as figures that are substantially higher or lower than expected.

Average monthly Waking Watch costs per dwelling are based on data for 133 out of 157 approved applications from the first application window, 21 out of 26 approved applications from the second application window and 3 out of 3 approved applications for the third application window.

The estimated number of leasehold dwellings covered is based on data for 183 out of 186 approved applications. The median waking watch cost per dwelling per month is based on building level data as dwelling level data is not available.

For social buildings the number of leasehold dwellings was estimated based on data from the English Housing Survey (EHS) which suggests 28% of dwellings within social sector buildings are private leasehold.

Please note the amount of funding approved across all local authorities and tranches of the fund may not sum to the total figure due to rounding.