Research and analysis

Note about the methodology used and application of the Code of Practice for Statistics

Updated 30 June 2020


This data presents Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) management information on Universal Credit declarations and advances from 1 March 2020.

Further releases of this information will be published weekly on a Tuesday until the end of June 2020.

They are published in the interest of transparency and are not part of our regular official statistics release for Universal Credit.

Methodology information

Management information are not classified as statistics. They are judged to be of suitable quality for the purpose of presenting supplementary data. Data coverage is comprehensive as it covers the verified Universal Credit declarations within a stated period.

The data reflects timely information and do not suffer from lag effects. However, the trend from daily figures may show some volatility. Moreover, these are initial figures which have not been rigorously quality assured.

The management information is therefore not comparable with the published Universal Credit official statistics which are built on a foundation of robust data. Figures from our monthly published official statistics may differ slightly as they are subject to more rigorous quality assurance processes, include other data sources and some retrospection. The published official statistics are available on Stat-Xplore, with additional commentary in a quarterly statistical bulletin.

Further information relating to the methodology of the Universal Credit official statistics is available from the background information and methodology document.

Statement of compliance with the Code of Practice for Statistics

The Code of Practice for Statistics (the Code) is built around 3 main concepts, or pillars:

  • trustworthiness – this is about having confidence in the people and organisations that publish statistics
  • quality – is about using data and methods that produce assured statistics
  • value – is about publishing statistics that support society’s needs for information

The following explains how we have applied the pillars of the Code in a proportionate way.


The figures are based on management information supplied through the department’s computer system that is used to administer the benefit system. The system allows consistent and efficient recording of Universal Credit declarations.

To support the management of departmental business, figures have been seen in advance by ministers and officials. This is in line with the Code, where pre-release access does not apply for releases based on routine management information – as covered in paragraph 3.6 of the National Statistician’s guidance.


The information presented on declarations is taken from the computer system used to administer the benefit. Quality assurance processes are built in the design of business rules used for producing the figures. The department has seen an unprecedented increase in Universal Credit applications as a result of Coronavirus (COVID-19). Thus, the data cannot be sense checked against outputs for comparable periods.


In publishing this data, we aim to support the information needs of society, parliamentarians and stakeholders. Universal Credit is one of the means of supporting individuals and families during these difficult times.

Releasing information on applications to Universal Credit ahead of the routine publication of this information in official statistics ensures a timely response, and gives society and stakeholders important information on the level of support that has been required by individuals and families.

Contact information

For press enquiries, contact DWP Press Office on: 0203 267 5129

Other enquiries about this notice should be directed to:

Statistical contact: Rosemary Tittensor