Our governance

About our Commissioners

The UK Commission for Employment and Skills (UKCES) is led by a group of Commissioners from across the UK who are all leaders in their fields. They represent large and small employers, the public, private and voluntary sectors and further and higher education. Together, they guide our work and provide expert opinion and advice.

UKCES is both a non-departmental public body (NDPB) and a company limited by guarantee.


Our Commissioners are:

Meetings and minutes

Minutes from full commissioner meetings:

UKCES members' register of interests 2015 (PDF, 406 KB, 15 pages)

Minutes 4 February 2015 (PDF, 65.1 KB, 2 pages)

Minutes 14 October 2014 (PDF, 95.2 KB, 4 pages)

Minutes 9 April 2014 (PDF, 84.2 KB, 4 pages)

Minutes 21 January 2014 (PDF, 155 KB, 4 pages)

Minutes 29 October 2013 (PDF, 161 KB, 4 pages)

Minutes 28 June 2013 (PDF, 103 KB, 3 pages)

Minutes 26 April 2013 (PDF, 162 KB, 4 pages)

Meeting minutes from previous years can be found in the National Archives.

Commissioner appointments

Our Commissioners are appointed in accordance with the Code of Practice issued by the Office of the Commissioner for Public Appointments. This is an open process and an advertisement will appear when any vacancy occurs. Commissioners are appointed by the Secretaries of State for Business, Innovation and Skills and the Department for Work and Pensions. The Ministers of each of the Devolved Administrations of the UK also each appoint a Commissioner.