Policy paper

Terms of Reference for the Investigation into formal complaints about the conduct of the Deputy Prime Minister (HTML)

Published 23 November 2022

This was published under the 2022 to 2024 Sunak Conservative government

The Prime Minister has appointed Adam Tolley KC to conduct an independent investigation into two formal complaints which have been made about the conduct of the Rt Hon Dominic Raab MP, the Deputy Prime Minister, Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice.

As an independent investigator, Adam Tolley KC has been asked to:

a. establish the specific facts surrounding the formal complaint made on 15 November about Mr Raab’s conduct at the Ministry of Justice;

b. establish the specific facts surrounding the formal complaint made on 15 November about Mr Raab’s conduct at the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office.

Information provided to the investigator is provided in confidence.

The investigation should be completed as swiftly as possible and the investigator will proceed on this basis.

The investigation will be undertaken by Adam Tolley KC with support from officials in the Cabinet Office. Those officials will work under the direction of the investigator and in line with the Civil Service Code.

The independent investigator will report to the Prime Minister on his investigation.

As set out in the Ministerial Code, the Prime Minister is the ultimate judge of the standards of behaviour expected of a Minister and the appropriate consequences of a breach of those standards.

The report of the investigation will be made public.

These Terms of Reference may be updated at the discretion of the Prime Minister, in consultation with the investigator.