
Tanzania: Knowledge Base profile

Published 29 June 2023

About: Tanzania

This document contains useful information about Tanzania which will assist HM Passport Office staff process passport applications.


If you have any questions about the document and your line manager or senior caseworker cannot help you or you think that the document has factual errors then email Guidance & Quality, Operating Standards.

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Below is information on when this version of the document was published:

  • version 1.0
  • published for Home Office staff on 15 May 2023

Changes from last version of this document

This is a new document.

Tanzania: legitimacy

This section tells HM Passport Office operational staff about legitimacy in Tanzania.

Tanzania recognises the difference between legitimate and illegitimate births.

A child born before 1 February 1998 will be considered:

  • legitimate if their parents were married at the time of the birth
  • legitimate from the time of the marriage, if the parents marry after the birth
  • illegitimate if their parents never marry

Where the child was born on or after 1 February 1998, the child will be born legitimate regardless of their parents’ marital status.

Tanzania: birth registration

This section tells HM Passport Office operational staff about birth registration in Tanzania.

When a birth takes place in Tanzania the mother is issued with a Notification of Birth. This is used to register the birth with the Registration, Insolvency and Trusteeship Agency.

A birth must be registered within 90 days of it taking place, however, late registrations after 90 days can be accepted.

The father’s name does not have to be declared on a Tanzanian birth certificate. The father can go to the registry office and have his name added to the birth certificate after it is issued.

Tanzania: marriage

This section tells HM Passport Office operational staff about marriage in Tanzania.

Polygamy is allowed in Tanzania and there is no law to state how many wives men are allowed to have.