Policy paper

Tackling violence against women and girls strategy: British Sign Language version

Videos in British Sign Language, which explain the new strategy covering the government’s plan to tackle violence against women and girls.


Section 1: foreword

Section 2: introduction

Section 3: executive summary and ambition

Section 4: understanding Violence Against Women and Girls

Section 5: prioritising prevention

Section 6: supporting victims

Section 7: pursuing perpetrators

Section 8: a stronger system

Section 9: delivery

Sections 10 and 11: annex A

Section 12: annex A, provision of services

Section 13: annex A, partnership working

Section 14: annex A, pursuing perpetrators

Section 15: annex A, male victims' position paper (2019)

Section 16: annex A, ending VAWG strategy 2016


The videos cover how we will prioritise prevention, support survivors, pursue perpetrators and create a stronger system.

Published 12 October 2021