FOI release

To provide information about agencies used to recruit temporary or contractor staff: SSAC FOI response

Updated 6 December 2023

Date received: 1 February 2023

Date of response: 9 February 2023

1. Information request

Please could you provide the following information under the freedom of information act covering the last 12 months, or the most recent 12 month period recorded:

  1. Has the organisation used agencies to recruit temporary/contractor staff?

    A. If so please confirm the total agency spend on temporary/contractor staff?

    B. Please provide a breakdown of your answer to question 1a, splitting the spend by job title/specialism.

  2. Has the organisation used agencies to recruit permanent staff?

    A. If so please confirm the total agency spend on permanent staff?

    B. Please provide a breakdown of your answer to question 2a, splitting the spend by job title/specialism

  3. The contact name of the person responsible for dealing with permanent recruitment?

  4. The contact name of the person responsible for dealing with temporary/contractor recruitment?

2. Response

We do not hold the information you have requested.

The Social Security Advisory Committee is a statutory independent non-departmental public body sponsored by the Department for Work and Pensions. It has not used agencies to employ temporary, contractor or permanent staff during the specified period.