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Board meeting notes: 27 November 2018

Updated 9 November 2021

Social Mobility Commission Induction Day

Attendees: Commissioners

Dame Martina Milburn (Chair)
Saeed Atcha
Alastair da Costa
Steven Cooper
Pippa Dunn
Sam Friedman via Skype
Farrah Storr
Jessica Oghenegweke
Jody Walker
Sandra Wallace
Liz Williams
Sammy Wright


Harvey Matthewson

Guest Presenters

John Hills, London School of Economics
Andy Green, National Infrastructure Commissioner
Tristan Pedelty, Director of Propriety & Ethics, Cabinet Office

Part 1: Introductions

  1. The Chair welcomed Commissioners and Secretariat to the meeting. This was the first occasion since their appointment that Commissioners were meeting each other and Secretariat. The Chair began the meeting by asking everyone to introduce themselves, stating briefing where they were from why they applied for the Commissioner role.

  2. The first part of the induction day focussed on ways of working; this was followed by Secretariat delivering a presentation on social mobility - its definition, measures and key trends. There was a brief session on the history of the Social Mobility and the Commission itself.

Part 2: Social mobility policy overview and launch event

  1. Secretariat gave a presentation on the 2018 Social Mobility Barometer. This revealed the public’s attitude and understanding of social mobility. There was a broad discussion about the Barometer findings. It was agreed that the Barometer would be published to coincide with the Commission’s relaunch on 11 December.

  2. Secretariat set out the arrangements for the Commission’s relaunch. This would be held at Westminster Kingsway College, Victoria. All Commissioners would be present with the Chair giving the keynote address followed by a Q&A session. Some Commissioners would speak setting out their social mobility stories whilst others could be required for media appearances. Commissioners undertaking media appearances would be briefed in advance.

  3. John Hills gave a presentation on the history of social mobility policy under New Labour, Coalition and Conservative governments, covering employment, education, health, early years, Sure Start, Opportunity for All and the broader equalities agenda.

Part 3: What it means to be a Commissioner?

  1. Andy Green spoke about his experience as a Commissioner and suggested ideas that could help Commissioners perform effectively in their role.

  2. Tristan Pedelty spoke about what it meant to be a public appointee and sought feedback on the public appointments process. He gave an overview on the Code of Conduct for Public Bodies setting out the seven principles of public life and the key things Commissioners should consider as they carry out their public duties.

Future meetings and AOB

  1. The Chair suggested that Board meetings were held monthly. This was agreed.


  • Secretariat to canvass Commissioners availability for future Board meetings
  • Secretariat to circulate the PowerPoint presentation to Commissioners
  • Secretariat to provide Commissioners with a reading list of good social mobility books
  • Secretariat to circulate a list of Commissioners email addresses