Policy paper

Social impacts and wellbeing: multi-criteria analysis techniques for integrating non-monetary evidence in valuation and appraisal

How to assess and integrate evidence of social impacts and wellbeing into valuation and appraisal using multi-criteria analysis.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government


Social Impacts and Wellbeing: multi-criteria analysis techniques for integrating non-monetary evidence in valuation and appraisal - A discussion of current approaches and opportunities

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Building on the work of the UK’s Social Impacts Taskforce, and publication by Defra of A Framework for Understanding the Social Impacts of Policy and their Effects on Wellbeing, this paper addresses how to assess and integrate evidence of social impacts and wellbeing into valuation and appraisal using multi-criteria analysis.

The paper intends to help integrate a greater range of quantitative and qualitative non-monetary evidence with monetised values to develop our understanding of social impacts and wellbeing, and enhance our ability to take them into account more fully in the design and evaluation of government policy.

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Published 22 December 2011

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