Policy paper

Shoreham Adur tidal walls scheme: reaches W5, W6 and W7

Updated 15 December 2017

W5: Riverbank

Along Riverbank reach, a new steel sheet-pile wall, clad with concrete and brickwork, was built following the line of the current embankment. The current footpath was raised by approximately 200mm. Steps now provide access over the wall to residents’ gardens. A new hand railing was installed on top of the wall and alongside the footpath.

The piles were installed with a special machine called a Giken Piling Rig. The machine works by pressing the pile into the ground.

Work will start in this reach in early 2018. The Riverbank path will be closed to the public during the construction work.

Giken Piling Rig

Giken Piling Rig

W6: Shoreham Recreation Ground

Around the tidal lagoon, a grassed earth embankment has been built. Small concrete walls have been built to connect the embankments to the existing higher ground.

On the riverbank from the road bridge to the Adur Outdoor Activity Centre and Sea Scouts, a new concrete wall has been built. Flood gates have been installed to allow continued access for river users.

On the riverbank north of the sea scouts, a grassed earth embankment has been built. A concrete wall ties the embankment under the railway bridge.

Construction started in this reach in spring 2017.

Finished footpath on embankment around tidal pool at W6

Finished footpath on embankment around tidal pool at W6

W7: Shoreham Airport

In this reach, there will be earth embankments and compensatory salt marsh habitat.

A new grassed earth embankment was constructed landward of the existing defence. The new embankment follows the line of Cecil Pashley Way. A crushed stone footpath was built on top of the new embankment.

Existing pillboxes were kept as visible islands.

The existing embankment was removed and shaped to allow the formation of salt marsh habitat.

A drainage ditch was constructed to the landward side of the new embankment.

A short section to the north of the reach was strengthened with a steel sheet-piled wall. This is in order to preserve heritage features and a natural chalk stream.

Construction started at W7 in 2018.