Independent report

Seven-day working practices and payments - A research report for the Office of Manpower Economics from Incomes Data Services

This paper provides research on seven-day working practices and payments across a variety of role types and sectors.



This work was commissioned by OME from Incomes Data Services (IDS) for the NHSPRB and DDRB to provide information about how seven-day working is rewarded across a variety of occupations and organisations to support the delivery of seven-day services. The research undertook surveys and a number of case studies in different sectors from across the United Kingdom. The groups were chosen to provide an informative cross section of practice in this area and not specifically as appropriate comparators for NHS staff groups.

The work described in this report was carried out under contract as part of OME’s research programme. The views and judgements expressed in this report are therefore those of the contractor and do not necessarily reflect those of OME.

*[OME] Office of Manpower Economics *[NHSPRB] NHS Pay Review Body *[DDRB] Review Body on Doctors’ and Dentists’ Remuneration

Published 16 July 2015