
Summary of changes

Updated 11 July 2022

This guidance was withdrawn on

We have merged the former section 5 and section 8 handbooks into a new school inspection handbook, which covers graded, ungraded and urgent inspections, and a monitoring handbook for monitoring inspections.

Applies to England

This sets out changes we have made to the handbook to reflect our inspection practice. It does not include corrections or changes made to improve clarity.

July 2022

There are no changes to the current section 8 handbook, which will remain in force until 1 September 2022. However, the former section 5 and section 8 handbooks have been combined into:

We have also changed the names of inspections as follows:

  • Section 5 inspections are now graded inspections
  • Section 8 inspections of good and outstanding schools are now ungraded inspections
  • Inspections with no formal designation and unannounced behaviour visits are now urgent inspections

April 2022

From Monday 18 April, we will no longer review statements of action on receipt. We will acknowledge receipt of the statement, but it will not be evaluated by an inspector at that time, and we will not reject or endorse any statements. The statement will form part of the evidence base for the first monitoring visit of that school, along with the school’s own improvement plan.

However, statements of action will continue to be required by law. We have re-worded paragraph 164 in the section 8 handbook to highlight that it is still a legal requirement to submit the statement of action, and this will be considered at the next inspection. We have removed any other mentions of statements of action from the rest of the handbook.

June 2021 (for September 2021 version)

Paragraphs 43, 48, 128, 129, 132, 158, 159 and 160: updates to inspection intervals following the pandemic.

Paragraph 51 to 52: inserted paragraphs on outstanding judgements.

Paragraphs 57, 59 and 83: updated to reflect that inspectors will take into account transitional arrangements where appropriate.

Paragraphs 62, 67, 116 and 123: updates on harmful sexual behaviour, bullying and harassment.

Paragraph 68: inserted paragraph on careers information, education, advice and guidance (CIEAG).

Paragraphs 108, 162 and 163: changed to reflect the new early career framework for teachers and the replacement of the term NQT with ECT.

Paragraph 136: updates to the information inspectors review before a monitoring inspection.

Paragraph 218: inserted paragraph on seeking the views of parents and staff.

April 2021

Paragraph 5: update referring users to the ‘Inspection during the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic’ section of the school inspection handbook - section 5.

Paragraph 25: Clarification that the clerk to the governors may be present at the final feedback meeting to the school.

Paragraphs 27 to 39: updated to reflect new arrangements for publishing reports and handling concerns and complaints.

Paragraphs 1, 4 and 41 to 49: changes to reflect the removal of the outstanding exemption.

Paragraph 65: COVID-19 update about personal development opportunities during the pandemic.

Paragraphs 105 and 110: COVID-19 update about changes to the preparatory call.

Paragraphs 111, 113 and 145: COVID-19 update to clarify that meetings may include a virtual option where necessary.

Paragraph 128: clarification that monitoring visits can be converted to section 5 inspections.

Paragraphs 133 and 167: added new paragraphs on discussions with the headteacher.

Paragraph 148: update to reflect that the lead inspector may deem a monitoring inspection a section 5 inspection if the school’s performance appears to be improving.

Paragraph 169: inserted a section on inspection planning.