
River Thames Scheme discussion group workshops (December 2016)

Updated 24 March 2017

The River Thames Scheme held the third Berkshire and Surrey discussion group workshops on 9 and 13 December 2016. These workshops brought together local people and key organisations focussed on the proposed new River Thames Scheme (RTS) flood channel and its setting in Berkshire and Surrey.

The key aim of each discussion group was to ensure that the new channel creates benefits for people, livelihoods and nature. During the process people shared their knowledge and expertise, suggested ideas, and explored options to provide input on the design of the proposed flood channel. Activities during the workshop were interactive and supported by materials such as maps, posters and feedback forms. Views from all participants, representing a wide range of interest groups, were recorded and will be taken into consideration.

Topics discussed included:

  • the next versions of maps showing the proposed scheme, associated features, and potential opportunities around the channel
  • ideas for solving different/conflicting land use needs around the channel, to maximise benefit for all interests/activities
  • concept option plans to show how excavated material from the channel could be used: Hythe End (2 options), Norlands Lane, Abbey Meads (2 options), Manor Farm (2 options)
  • building agreement on the draft proposals
  • how the participants and their interest groups can be involved


Input from stakeholders, including local interests and residents, is informing the final submission of the preferred route of the proposed flood channel.

If you have any questions or feedback on the materials, please email