
River Thames Scheme: Berkshire and Surrey discussion groups (September and October 2015)

Published 24 February 2017

The River Thames Scheme held the first set of 3 Berkshire and Surrey discussion group workshops on 29 September and 1 October 2015. These workshops brought together local people and key organisations focused on the proposed new River Thames Scheme (RTS) flood channel and its setting in Berkshire and Surrey.

The role of each discussion group was to ensure that the new channel creates benefits for people, livelihoods and nature. During the process people shared their knowledge and expertise, suggested ideas and explored options to provide input on the design of the proposed flood channels, deciding what it will look like and how it could be used.

Topics discussed included:

  • vision of the River Thames flood channel in 2030
  • understanding the scheme and sharing information
  • valued parts of the channel corridor
  • suggestions of land-use opportunities around the channel (such as land and water recreation, tourism facilities, culture and heritage)


Input from stakeholders, including local interests and residents, is informing the final submission of the preferred route of the proposed flood channel.

If you have any questions or feedback on the materials, please email