
Request for a certified copy of a design

Use this form to request a certified copy of a design.




We need to know if the certificate will be legalised by the Foreign & Commonwealth Office, so that we can provide an original signature.



All Intellectual Property Office fee bearing forms should be filed with the appropriate fee.

Certified office copies do not include registration certificates.

We do not certify Registered Community Designs. You must apply to EUIPO for these.

Updates to this page

Published 17 April 2014
Last updated 26 April 2023 + show all updates
  1. A new end page has been added. This contains a checklist and sending instructions. Supporting text added to questions that required further clarification.

  2. Form DF23 fee sheet updated.

  3. E-mail address for sending the completed form has been added.

  4. Fee sheet added to form DF23 and text 'All Intellectual Property Office fee bearing forms should be filed with the appropriate fee' added.

  5. DF23: data privacy added.

  6. Updated in light of 1 October 2016 fee changes.

  7. First published.

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