Recovered appeal: land east of Highwood Quarry, Park Road, Little Easton, Dunmow (ref: 3289755 - 11 September 2023)
Decision letter for a recovered appeal.
Applies to England
Decision letter and Inspector’s Report for a recovered appeal for between 1,000 and 1,200 dwellings (Use Class C3); up to 21,500 sq m gross of additional development for Use Classes: C2 (residential institutions care/nursing home); E(a-f & g(i)) (retail, indoor recreation, health services and offices); F1(a) (Education); F2(a-c) (local community uses); car parking; energy centre; and for the laying out of the buildings, routes, open spaces and public realm and landscaping within the development; and all associated works and operations including but not limited to: demolition; earthworks; and engineering operations on land.