Research and analysis

Process evaluation of the flexible criminal justice system pilots

Process evaluation of the flexible criminal justice system pilots

Applies to England and Wales


Process evaluation of the flexible criminal justice system pilots


The Flexible Criminal Justice System (CJS) pilots were trialled for six months from October 2012 in 42 magistrates’ courts across England and Wales. The pilots tested the effectiveness of different operating models in improving the timeliness and efficiency of the CJS. Six different models were piloted which extended traditional operating hours on weekdays and weekends and extended the use and operating hours of Prison to Court Video Links (PCVL) as well as video courts.

A qualitative process evaluation was commissioned by the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) to understand experiences of the pilots from the perspectives of stakeholders who experienced a flexible model and to identify good practice. This publication reports the findings of the process evaluation.

Published 25 November 2013