Research and analysis

Prior qualifications of adult apprentices: 2011 to 2012

Findings of research into the prior qualification levels of adults undertaking apprenticeships in 2011 to 2012. BIS research paper 117B.


Prior qualifications of adult apprentices 2011 to 2012


The research looked at the background of adults who decided to undertake apprenticeships. It also covered how far investment in apprenticeships has been directed towards up-skilling individuals with lower skill levels, especially for those without prior attainment at full level 2 (equivalent to 5 GCSEs at grades A to C or NVQ level 2).

The research explored apprentices, in terms of:

  • demographics
  • income
  • whether they had worked for their employer prior to undertaking the apprenticeship and for how long
  • the size of their employer

The research looked specifically at the highest prior qualifications of adults (aged 19 plus) who were undertaking apprenticeships and advanced apprenticeships in November 2011.

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Published 14 November 2013

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