Pension, Disability and Carers Service customer survey: 2010/11 annual report (RR789)
Results from the second year of the PDCS customer satisfaction survey.
by Nick Howat, Oliver Norden and Erica Garnett
The Pension, Disability and Carers Service (PDCS) commissioned BMRB to conduct a customer satisfaction survey. The results from the second year of this survey are presented in this report. The fieldwork involved over 5,000 telephone interviews with customers who had been in recent contact with PDCS.
The report presents findings on overall PDCS performance as well as results for the 2 constituent agencies, the Pension Service (TPS) and the Disability and Carers Service (DCS).
The headline findings include overall levels of satisfaction, scores for the 4 key drivers of satisfaction (as defined in our charter) and a variety of other information, including contact channel preferences. The report also includes regression analysis of these findings to produce a Kano model of satisfaction.