Corporate report

Ofsted Board minutes: 24 February 2022

Updated 12 May 2023

Applies to England


Christine Ryan (Chair)

Amanda Spielman (HMCI)

John Cridland

Carole Stott

Julie Kirkbride

Venessa Willms

Hamid Patel

Laura Wyld

Also in attendance

Matthew Coffey (Chief Operating Officer)

Chris Russell (National Director, Education)

Yvette Stanley (National Director, Regulation and Social Care)

Louise Grainger (Director, Finance, Planning and Commercial)

Chris Jones (Director, Corporate Strategy)

Board Secretary & Corporate Governance Manager

Corporate Governance Officer

Emily Williams (Deputy Director, Governance, Strategy and Private Office) (meeting item Ofsted Strategy)

Head of Strategy (meeting item Ofsted Strategy)

Senior Strategy Analyst (meeting item Ofsted Strategy)

Department for Education – observer


Martin Spencer


Approved at the board meeting on 27 April 2022.

Welcome, apologies and declarations of interest

The chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.

Laura Wyld declared that she is standing down from the House of Lords Public Services Committee. Laura has been appointed to the Children and Families Act 2014 (post legislative) Committee.

Carole Stott declared that she has been appointed a governor at Bath Spa University.

Minutes, matters arising, action log and forward look

The minutes of 8 December board meeting were agreed as a correct record.

Update from the Chair

The board effectiveness review is progressing well with board member interviews now complete. An interactive workshop will take place on 27 April, the outcome of which will be recommendations and a potential development plan.

The recruitment campaign for up to 6 new board members is now closed with interviews expected to be held in May.

Ofsted strategy 2022-2027

The board reviewed the latest draft of the strategic priorities which had been updated to reflect feedback from the board and the strategic metrics subgroup. The language has been made clearer; the actions more specific and the ‘as a result’ statements measurable.

There was consensus that the ‘coherent approach’ priority lacked clarity and should be removed. The actions will be captured in other priorities.

The board strongly recommended that ‘Keeping Children Safe’ is moved up as a priority and to consider whether any metrics could have a long-term target.

A statement on Ofsted’s equality objectives and our obligations under the Equality Act will be included in the strategy document.

The board welcomed the dashboard which will be used to report progress against the strategic priorities to the board over the course of the strategy. The strategy document will not include references to specific government policies, as it is a five-year strategy and government agendas can change. However, over the course of the strategy, we will ensure that there is alignment with wider government priorities.

The board approved the strategy and metrics, subject to any minor subsequent amendments prior to publication.

Discussions with the Executive

We are continuing to input into and constructively engage with DfE on policy development, particularly on the Schools White Paper, the Care Review and SEND Review.

The board was briefed on initiatives to support early years delivery. [Redacted]

Ofsted’s consultation on how it should fulfil its role as the quality assurance body for the Online Education Accreditation Scheme closed on 26 January 2022. Positive support was expressed for the scheme by respondents to the consultation.

Audit and Risk Assurance Committee (ARAC) update

Laura Wyld, ARAC member provided an update from the 18 January 2022 meeting.

ARAC members provided feedback to GIAA on potential areas for audit coverage in 2022-23. A revised plan taking account of feedback will be brought to the committee on 16 March.

The interim governance statement was approved, which will form the basis of the full year statement which will be included in the Annual Report and Accounts.

Strategic risk register

At the January ARAC meeting, members robustly challenged the risks [Redacted]


Finance update

The financial position at the end of December 2021 was presented to the board.

The budget exchange into 2022-23 has now been approved by HM Treasury.


The strategic metrics subgroup group will no longer meet as the strategy has now been agreed. The board thanked subgroup members for their work on the strategy.

The decision to alternate board meetings (in person and remote) will be revisited.

Action: Chair to consult with board members.