FOI release

Number of properties in England with a rateable value of zero, as at 31 March 2015

An external request response detailing the number of properties in England that have a rateable value of zero, to the nearest thousand.

This publication was withdrawn on

We have removed outdated reports from the disclosure log, particularly those of limited appeal to the general public. This includes releases from 2015 to 2019, which are not of wider public interest such as those in a very narrow geographical area or data which is now published elsewhere.


Non-domestic rating: Stock of properties


Request for the following information:

  • Whether the VOA publication ‘2010 Central and local rating lists: Non-domestic properties in England & Wales’ includes properties with a rateable value of 0.
  • The total number of properties in England with a rateable value of 0.

I can confirm that the publication does include properties with a rateable value of 0. In England there are 17,000 properties with a rateable value of 0 (to the nearest thousand).

This figure has been taken from the data used to create Table CL4 of the aforementioned publication. The publication’s release note provides further information on this data and can be found above.

The VOA keeps properties in the list rather than deleting to capture where a property falls into such a poor state of repair that it becomes uninhabitable. Maintaining them on the list serves as a reminder to us to check whether the property has been refurbished and so is habitable again (in which case it should be given a ‘real’ value and be subject to rates).

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Published 24 September 2015

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