FOI release

Number and cost of foreign language translators used in practical driving tests 2011 to 2012

Published 22 August 2013

Applies to England, Scotland and Wales

This is Freedom of Information request IA/0030213.

1. Request

Please tell me how many translators were used in driving tests for the following years:

  • 2011-12
  • 2012-13

2. Response

If a translator is required to assist with a theory test, they must be DSA approved. In the 2011/12 year there were 42 DSA approved translators used for theory tests and 45 in the 2012/13 year.

A translator does not have to be DSA approved to accompany a candidate on their practical test so DSA does not hold any information about the number of translators used on these tests.

The table below shows the number of theory and practical tests conducted where a translator was present in the last two financial years:

No. tests conducted 2011/12 No. tests conducted 2012/13
Practical test 34,855 34,700
Theory test 2,264 2,301

3. Request 2

Please could you include a breakdown of how many translators were used for each foreign language and the number of tests conducted in each language.

4. Response

DSA does not record details of the translator or language used during practical tests, so we do not hold this information. We also do not hold information about the number of theory tests conducted by each DSA approved translator and the language used.

We do however capture the language used by the candidate during a theory test when accompanied by a translator. The table below shows the language used and the number of tests conducted for the last two financial years.

Language used No. of tests conducted with a translator 2011/12 No. of tests conducted with a translator 2012/13
Albanian 0 3
Bengali 0 1
Bosnian 6 1
Bulgarian 27 25
Cantonese 1 1
Croatian 4 0
Czech 10 1
Dari 5 0
Farsi 2 2
French 8 5
Greek 0 1
Hebrew 11 12
Hungarian 19 27
Italian 0 3
Lithuanian 244 323
Korean 1 0
Kurdish 1 0
Mandarin 367 261
Mongolian 0 1
Polish 159 179
Punjabi 83 114
Romanian 542 692
Russian 300 330
Serbian 23 0
Slovak 1 1
Somali 336 176
Spanish-Castillian 0 3
Thai 20 22
Turkish 42 58
Urdu 48 58
Vietnamese 4 1
Total 2,264 2,301

5. Request 3

Please could you also tell me the total cost of using these translators is both the above financial years.

6. Response

We have previously responded to a similar request for this information and our response is published on our website at This information is therefore exempt under section 21 (information accessible by other means) of the Freedom of Information Act (FoIA). A copy of this exemption in full can be found at Annex A.