Research and analysis

Nitrate source apportionment for groundwater-dependent terrestrial ecosystems

This project examined the sources of nitrogen contributing to nutrient enrichment at two nationally designated groundwater-dependent terrestrial ecosystems.


Nitrate source apportionment for groundwater-dependent terrestrial ecosystems: report

Nitrate modelling of Newbald Becksies SSSI wetland catchment

Nitrate modelling of Wynbunbury Moss SSSI wetland catchment


This project examined the sources of nitrogen contributing to nutrient enrichment at two nationally designated groundwater-dependent terrestrial ecosystems (GWDTEs) and explored land use and management actions to reduce the amount of nitrogen reaching the sites. The purpose of the study was to:

  • identify and trial a ‘transferable approach’ to nitrate source apportionment at wetland sites
  • identify potential mitigation measures at each site that would ensure the long-term sustainability of the wetland plant communities for which the sites are designated.

Too much nitrate can have an adverse effect on wetland plant communities, particularly those wetlands where the ecology is specifically adapted to a low nutrient setting. These wetlands tend to be associated with a high species diversity per unit area, and in general support more rare species than wetlands in higher nutrient settings.

Published 18 February 2020