Corporate report

Natural England's role with National Parks in England

Published 30 September 2014

Applies to England

Statutory duties

Under the National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949, Natural England has a duty to:

  • consider which areas in England meet the criteria for designation as a National Park
  • determine in which order they should be designated
  • designate suitable areas
  • take account of the purposes of National Parks in its work

Natural England also has the power to issue a variation order to change an existing National Park boundary under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981.

Natural England also has further responsibilities to:

  • advise government ministers on any actions that need taking under National Park and planning legislation
  • review the success of National Park purposes and to make recommendations to ministers, National Park Authorities (NPAs), local authorities or others
  • make recommendations to ministers on proposals to develop land in National Parks that appear inconsistent with their objectives
  • recognise the objectives of National Park designation when making decisions and undertaking activities which affect them
  • periodically issue guidance to NPAs on mapping areas of mountain, moor, heath, woodland, down, cliff or foreshore (including any bank, barrier, dune, beach, flat or other land adjacent to the foreshore) within their boundaries

Duties of Defra to Natural England

The Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs must consult Natural England about:

  • the level and distribution of central government funding grant aid to NPAs
  • the appointment of representatives to NPA boards where these are overseen by Defra
  • new byelaws affecting National Parks

Duties of National Park Authorities to Natural England

NPAs must provide Natural England with:

  • notice if they propose to publish, adopt or review their management plan
  • a copy of any management plan with any proposed amendments and take into account any comments Natural England may make

NPAs must consult Natural England before appointing a Chief Officer (National Park Officer) or changing their duties.

These requirements also apply to The Broads Authority.

Natural England’s wider role with National Parks

In addition to the statutory duties and powers, Natural England carries out further work to support National Parks. This includes:

  • working with the English National Park Authorities Association (ENPAA) to achieve shared outcomes
  • carrying out research and monitoring to help National Parks better fulfill their objectives
  • producing and sharing information about why an area has been designated and what it will achieve
  • supporting work within National Parks, for instance, through Countryside Stewardship schemes, management of Sites of Special Scientific Interest or in projects identified within National Park management plans
  • encouraging understanding about the purposes of designation through membership of national steering groups and advisory committees, and by influencing and contributing at national, European and worldwide levels
  • supporting the learning and development of NPA members

Extending the Lake District and Yorkshire Dales National Parks

On 23 October 2015, the Secretary of State confirmed the 2 Variation Orders to extend the Lake District and Yorkshire Dales National Parks. The Orders will take effect on 1 August 2016.

See the decision page to find out more and to view maps of the extended National Park boundaries.

Further information

See the National Parks England website to find out more about national parks.