FOI release

National and Ipswich DTC for numbers taking the car theory test and passing or failing the hazard perception test

Published 22 August 2013

Applies to England, Scotland and Wales

This is Freedom of Information request ia0029313.

1. Request

I wish to request the National and Ipswich statistics of applicants applying for the car driving theory test; how may pass the first section but fail the Hazard Perception. How many times they have to re-test. Please supply for the age group 15-25.

2. Response

Attached at Annex A are two spreadsheets showing the attempts taken to pass the car hazard perception and multiple choice theory tests. This is split into National and Ipswich centre figures.

3. Request

I have ask the Test Centre for the functionality specifications for the speed of the mouse etc, but they were unable to help. Please can you supply this information?

4. Response

This information is not held. DSA does not hold any function specification documents for the equipment used by our theory test provider in delivering the theory test and there is no contractual obligation for them to supply this information.