
Memorandum of Understanding on cyber security cooperation

Published 22 December 2021

This was published under the 2019 to 2022 Johnson Conservative government

The Government of the Republic of Singapore and the Government of the United Kingdom, (hereinafter referred to collectively as “Participants” and individually as “Participant”),

Desiring to further develop co-operation and consolidate existing friendly relations between their two countries;

Noting their continuing shared vision in maintaining the increasing economic and social benefits accruing from the growth in use of an open, peaceful and secure cyberspace where the same rights people enjoy offline are also protected online;

Recognising the threats proposed to this prosperity and national security by malicious cyber activity and the importance of raising awareness of these threats;

Recognising their interdependence in cyberspace and, as leading online economies, their shared interest in the protection of critical infrastructure and ensuring a safe and reliable Internet that supports innovation and economic and social development;

Recognising the importance of strategic frameworks for stability in cyberspace based on the applicability of existing international law, and that all States should be guided in their use of Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs) by the reports of the United Nations Group of Governmental Experts (UNGGE) on Advancing responsible State behaviour in cyberspace in the context of international security and the United Nations Open-Ended Working Group (OEWG) on developments in the field of information and telecommunications in the context of international security;

Acknowledging their common interest in addressing these international challenges and collaborating to strengthen their cyber security;

Recognising the benefits of close cooperation between government, academics and the private sector in sharing expertise, research and working to secure the future of cyberspace internationally;

Building on the existing collaboration and partnership delivered under the Memorandum of Understanding on Cyber Security Cooperation between the Government of the Republic of Singapore and the Government of the United Kingdom signed on 18 September 2017, the Memorandum of Cooperation on Cyber Security Capacity Building between the Government of the Republic of Singapore and the Government of the United Kingdom signed on 17 April 2018, and the Joint Statement on cooperation between Singapore and the United Kingdom on the Internet of Things dated 3 October 2019,

Have reached the following understanding:

0.1 Introduction and Purpose

This Memorandum of Understanding (hereinafter referred to as “MoU”) has its purpose in promoting cooperation in the field of cyber security between the Participants according to the relevant laws and regulations of their two countries, and based on the principle of equal benefit and mutual interest.

This MoU has been developed in connection with the negotiation of the UK-Singapore Digital Economy Agreement, in the context of contributing to a closer economic relationship between the United Kingdom and Singapore.

0.2  Scope of Collaboration

The Participants will cooperate on the following areas:

Cyber security skills: Work together to improve cyber security professional development and build a cyber security skills base, including through possible initiatives relating to mutual recognition of qualifications and diversity, so that our societies are future proofed and have the skills base and professional standards they need to support the modern digital economy that has increasing and ever changing flexible needs;

Sharing of best practices: Share good practices on the approach to cyber and digital technology, including (but not limited to) information on cyber governance and processes and information related to the cyber security of emerging critical technologies; consider ways to address the cyber security risk associated with Digital Service Providers (such as managed service providers, cloud service providers and critical software vendors) and their customers;

Internet of Things (IoT) security: Support the development of assurance mechanisms to strengthen the security of consumer connected devices, working towards alignment with the overall objective of mutual recognition, and work to promote strong IoT security through the ASEAN-Singapore Cybersecurity Centre of Excellence, the Commonwealth and other relevant bodies;

Promoting cyber stability: Promote strategic frameworks for conflict prevention, cooperation and stability in cyberspace, consisting of the application of existing international law, the implementation of agreed voluntary, non-binding norms of responsible state behaviours and confidence building measures supported by co-ordinated capacity building programmes, and raising awareness of cyber threats;

Capacity building: Work together to design and deliver third country cyber security capacity projects, including activity in ASEAN through the ASEAN-Singapore Cybersecurity Centre of Excellence and activity in the Commonwealth through the Commonwealth Cyber Capacity Building programme; help disseminate good practice on global cyber capacity building, including through the Global Forum on Cyber Expertise and Commonwealth Summits;

Operational delivery: Establish an operational dialogue and identify opportunities for collaboration, to enhance the ability of both Participants to protect their citizens from malicious cyber activity and build resilient and secure economies;

Industry and Academic collaboration: Identify and support opportunities for increased Government/Industry/Academic collaboration. This includes both strengthening links between respective ecosystems to enhance academic research and industry partnership and leveraging this expertise for innovation and research for ongoing mutually identified cyber related challenges;

Secure by Default: Support efforts to build a global consensus on the need for a secure by default approach for consumer internet connected devices and the connected services linked to these devices; seek alignment on recommendations and share best practices to promote a secure by default approach; and

Any other cooperative activities jointly decided by the Participants, including during UK-Singapore Cyber Dialogues.

0.3 Entry into Effect, Duration and Termination

This MoU will come into effect on the date of signature indicated herein and will remain in effect for a period of five (5) years thereafter, unless terminated by either Participant giving at least one (1) month’s prior notice in writing to the other Participant.

0.4 Non-Legally Binding

This MoU does not constitute or create and is not intended to constitute or create any legally binding obligations. Nothing in this MoU will alter or affect any existing agreements between the Participants.

Without prejudice to the generality of the immediately preceding paragraph, the Participants acknowledge that this MoU will not be deemed as an international agreement and will not constitute or create legal obligations governed by international law.

0.5 Amendments

Either Participant may propose an amendment to this MoU by means of written notice to the other Participant. An amendment will be effected only upon the mutual written consent of the Participants.

SIGNED in duplicate in the English language.

For the Government of the Republic of Singapore: Josephine Teo For the Government of the United Kingdom: Nadine Dorries