FOI release

Meetings for non-executive directors

Wales Office response to Freedom of Information request ‘Non-executive directors’.


We were asked:

  1. What are the names of the Department’s Non-Executive Directors and on what date were they appointed?
  2. How much have the Department’s Non-Executive Directors claimed in allowances and expenses since they were appointed?
  3. How many meetings did the Non-Executive Directors attend in their Department in 2011 and 2012? How many meetings did they attend in other Governmental Departments in 2011 and 2012?
  4. How many meetings have the Department’s Non-Executive Directors held with the other Non-Executive Directors? How many times have the Department’s Non-Executive Directors met with Lord Browne, the Government’s Lead Non-Executive Director?
  5. Have your Department’s Non-Executive Directors been assigned any other responsibilities beyond those in their job description? For example, have they been assigned to undertake policy reviews?
  6. How many times have the Non-Executive Directors met with the Department’s Permanent Secretary in 2011 and 2012? How many times has Lord Browne, the Lead Non-Executive Director, met with the Department’s Permanent Secretary?
  7. What role did the Non-Executive Directors play in the appraisal of the Department’s Permanent Secretary in 2011 and 2012?
  8. On how many occasions in 2011 and 2012 did the Secretary of State met the Department’s Non-Executive Directors?
  9. If a new Secretary of State was appointed to your Department in 2011 or 2012, on what date were they appointed and on what date did the new Secretary of State first meet the Department’s Non-Executive Directors?
  10. Have the Department’s Non-Executive Directors made a submission for inclusion in any of the Departmental annual reports produced since their appointment? Are these submissions available online?

We addressed each of the questions in turn:

  1. The names of our Non-Executive Directors are David Crawley and Ian Summers. Mr Crawley was appointed in December 2005 and Mr Summers in September 2007.
  2. The pay and expenses of our Non-Executive Directors is covered on page 33 of the Wales Office Annual Report and Accounts 2011-12, which can be found at
  3. The number of Wales Office meetings attended by our Non-Executive Directors during the financial year 2011-12 is covered on page 43 of the Wales Office Annual Report and Accounts 2011-12, which can be found at . We do not hold any information on any meetings that may have been held in other government departments.
  4. We do not hold this information on how many meetings the Department’s Non-Executive Directors held with the other Non-Executive Directors, or on how many times have the Department’s Non-Executive Directors met with Lord Browne, the Government’s Lead Non-Executive Director.
  5. Our Non-Executive Directors have not been assigned any responsibilities beyond their usual role.
  6. The pay and expenses of our Non-Executive Directors is covered on page 33 of the Wales Office Annual Report and Accounts 2011-12, which can be found at:
  7. One of our Non-Executive Directors had the opportunity to contribute to a 360 degree appraisal of the Wales Office’s Director.
  8. The Secretary of State met the Wales Office’s Non-Executive Directors three times in 2011 and once in 2012.
  9. The new Secretary of State was appointed in September 2012. He has not yet had a meeting with the Non-Executive Directors in his capacity of Secretary of State, but he has met with them in his previous role as Parliamentary Under Secretary of State.
  10. Our Non-Executive Directors contributed to the Governance Statement of the 2011-12 Annual Report and Accounts. (Prior to 1 April 2011, the Wales Office was part of the Ministry of Justice). This report is available online at

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Published 24 January 2013

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