Policy paper

Introduction from Rear Admiral James Parkin CBE

Updated 2 February 2023

Rear Admiral James Parkin CBE

Rear Admiral James Parkin CBE

I am delighted to announce the formal release of the Maritime Operating Concept (MarOpC). It describes how the Maritime Force will deliver National operational advantage, and the changes required to accomplish this aim.

The MarOpC is deliberately ambitious and describes the totality of the Maritime Domain contribution to the Integrated Force in achieving the demands of the Integrated Operating Concept (IOpC). It is just that; a concept, not policy, strategy, or doctrine but supports coherent implementation of each.

It is through understanding the MarOpC that readers will gain an appreciation of how they can contribute to the realisation of the RN Strategy and consider how the Maritime Force can contribute to other domain objectives. I commend it to you and welcome engagement on its themes.