Policy paper

Looked-after children data strategy

A strategy to improve the quality and availability of ethnicity data and evidence about looked-after children and their routes out of care.



The focus of this strategy is primarily on the care system (and routes out of care) – the remit of the Department for Education (DfE). It sets out:

  • what data is currently available
  • an assessment of the quality of available data
  • what the internal and external user needs are for data met or partially met
  • further work priorities

A more detailed understanding of the demographic profile of looked-after children could inform:

  • better planning around providing the right permanence options for children, including adoption, special guardianship, long term fostering or a return to parents

  • the recruitment and approval of adoptive parents willing to take children who are waiting and special guardians or foster parents who can meet their needs

  • the provision of early intervention policies and strategies to support children and families to minimise the risk that the children do not enter or re-enter care

This strategy has been prepared by the Race Disparity Unit, working with analysts in DfE and The Children and Social Care Secretariat, Coram-i.

Published 17 April 2023