
Summary of changes

Updated 29 November 2022

Applies to England

May 2021

This section outlines changes to inspection practice. This does not include corrections or changes made to improve clarity in how the framework is written.

Pages 4-6, paragraphs 8– 14: new section on ‘Inspection during COVID-19’ has been included.

Page 8, paragraph 20 and page 10, paragraphs 21-22: additions and amends that reflect methodological adaptations to deal with the current context (for example, para 20: replacement of open meeting with survey of parents and or carers).

Page 26, paragraphs 92 and 94: additions explaining how inspectors will take account of COVID-19 impact in making their judgements.

Page 33, paragraphs 117-9: paragraphs added to clarify arrangements about written statements of action required prior to, and from June onward, and the future framework.

Page 34, Annex A: amendment to clarify arrangements about written statements of action required prior to, and from June onward, and the future framework.