
Direction of the registrar given under section 17(2): Principal office of the registry (effective 17 December 2012)

Updated 28 November 2023

Applies to England and Wales

Direction of the registrar given under section 17(2) of the Land Charges Act 1972 and rule 2(a) of the Land Charges Rules 1974

Principal office of the registry

On behalf of the Chief Land Registrar I direct, under section 17(2) of the Land Charges Act 1972, that the principal office of the registry for the purpose of the Land Charges Rules 1974 (SI 1974/1286) shall be:

Land Charges Department
Seaton Court
2 William Prance Road
Plymouth PL6 5WS

Tel: 0300 006 6000
Fax: 0300 006 6123

DX: 8249 Plymouth 3

This direction has effect on and after 17 December 2012.

Alasdair Lewis
Director of Legal Services
12 December 2012