Policy paper

Joint Statement on enhancing bilateral relations between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Swiss Confederation

Published 28 April 2022

This was published under the 2019 to 2022 Johnson Conservative government

1) The United Kingdom and Switzerland have a long history of excellent relations, based on shared values, open markets, world leading research, education, innovation, and strong engagement on foreign policy and sustainable development. We have concluded a suite of bilateral agreements to secure continuity of these links. As liberal democracies, we are committed to working together, as part of a wider network of liberty, to stand up for freedom and democracy, free trade, human rights, the rule of law, the international order, sustainable development and the fight against climate change. This Joint Statement sets out our ambition to strengthen further our bilateral and international cooperation.

I) Economic Cooperation

2) We will work to ensure that our partnership fulfils its strategic and economic potential, promoting the productive relationship between our two economies and leveraging the strong contribution we make to trade, investment and innovation both in Europe and globally.

3) We are committed to driving forward the development of our bilateral trading relationship and pursuing a modernised and enhanced trade agreement. We will start exploratory discussions this year.

4) We are committed to deepening and building our already strong economic ties, in areas such as financial and professional business services, as well as the recognition of professional qualifications. We commit to continuing negotiations for a mutual recognition agreement in financial services, with the expectation that negotiations should conclude by the end of 2022.

5) We will seek to deepen the UK-Swiss relationship in research, innovation and technology under the framework of a MoU on bilateral cooperation. We will create an environment that promotes digitalisation and digital trade, mutual investment and closer links between researchers and businesses to stimulate start-up and spin out companies. We will promote international standards and the protection of intellectual property rights.

6) We will identify opportunities to collaborate in the WTO, OECD, WCO, WIPO and G20 to promote free and sustainable trade and drive reform of the system.

II) People and Mobility

7) We will continue to promote people-to-people links to encourage the flow of talent and ideas.

8) We intend to work together to progress our shared priorities including entry, mobility of persons and labour. We look forward to initiating those discussions this year, building on our agreement on citizens’ rights and our MoU concerning mobility and strengthening migration cooperation.

9) We will encourage and wherever possible deepen our institutional cooperation in the areas of education, research, science, technology and innovation in relevant sectors, supporting both students and researchers.

10) We will grow our thriving bilateral tourism links. We will support the development of stronger channels between civil society organisations, think tanks, politicians and our wider communities to help coordinate policy areas of mutual interest. We will foster cultural and sporting ties through cooperation. We will share best practice by promoting secondments between the United Kingdom and Swiss governments.

III) International Cooperation

11) We will continue to cooperate closely in international fora, such as the UN, Council of Europe and OSCE.

12) We will continue to regularly exchange views on our priorities in the national and international implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and advocate together for the realisation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

13) We will jointly promote environmental protection as well as the sustainable management of natural resources and work to secure ambitious domestic and global action in light of UNFCCC COP26, CBD COP15 and beyond. We will cooperate on increasing our emissions reductions targets through our respective net zero Nationally Determined Contributions, through our commitment, collectively with other donors, to reach the $100bn pledged to developing countries, and through creating the framework conditions for public and private financial flows to align with the objectives on climate change and biodiversity.

14) We continue to work together on the worldwide response to COVID-19 and ensuring equitable access to vaccines, therapeutics and diagnostics. We will support humanitarian assistance, and will share views on our wider international development priorities to leverage synergies.

15) We will cooperate closely and assertively in countering hostile cyber-attacks. Where appropriate, we will continue to exchange experiences with regard to the implementation of our respective sanctions regimes. We will build on our security policy dialogue and joint military training in a joint Statement of Intent to deepen our relationship and to deliver our common, shared defence and security objectives, enhancing cooperation in areas of mutual interest. We will strengthen our existing cooperation on law enforcement and criminal justice, continuing to exchange information to combat serious and organised crime and terrorism. We will continue our close working on civil judicial cooperation.

16) The Foreign Secretary of the United Kingdom and the Head of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs of the Swiss Confederation will have responsibility for this Joint Statement and will meet annually to support this. Progress will be reviewed annually through our bilateral Strategic Dialogue at Political Director and State Secretary level.

Signed in London, on 28 April in the English language.

For the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

For the Government of the Swiss Confederation