FOI release

Internet access provided to detainees in immigration removal centres

Published 5 January 2015

FOI 32251

Supervised internet access, including email, is provided in all centres for the purpose of adding to the number of ways in which detainees are able to maintain contact with family and friends and their legal representatives and is recognised by the Home Office as one of the components of a range of activities to meet the recreational and intellectual needs of detainees. Access is usually facilitated through pre-booked time slots and can differ between centres depending on the numbers of terminals and the level of demand. Where a detainee is having difficulties accessing a particular site they may approach the local supervisor or tutor who may be able to take the specific issue forward for them.

The service provider at each centre adheres to technical and functional specifications set by the Home Office which are designed to minimise any risk to the safety and security of the centre, to ensure that detainees are not exposed to offensive or inappropriate material and to protect the public from harm. Prohibited categories of sites include gambling, racist material, social networking, pornographic material and websites supporting and promoting acts of terrorism or containing extremist and radicalisation material.