
A6/2019 (revised) Housing Benefit operational information, performance support and engagement 2019 to 2020

Updated 10 July 2019

Who should read

All Housing Benefit (HB) staff


For information


Housing Benefit operational information, performance support and engagement 2019 to 2020.


We apologise for any inconvenience caused but this circular is re-issued with revised wording to the final bullet (6) under paragraph 6 in order to provide clarity.

Guidance Manual

The information in this circular does not affect the content of the HB Guidance Manual.


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1. This circular outlines the Department for Work and Pensions’ (DWP’s) approach in relation to its use of HB operational performance information, the support it provides to local authorities and its engagement work. It takes account of:

  • ongoing reforms
  • the need to maintain levels of HB performance
  • the requirement to reduce HB fraud and error

Inspection and reporting arrangements for 2019 to 2020

2. Due to local authorities’ continuing willingness to work in partnership with DWP and make changes and improvements to their HB services, DWP has not needed to carry out any HB inspections in England since 2012. Consequently, we are not planning to undertake any in 2019 to 2020, although we reserve the right to do so should circumstances warrant it and report to the Secretary of State on any areas of concern as necessary.

3. Any decision to inspect would be taken separately from those made regarding the provision of DWP consultancy support. However, it would take account of any DWP involvement with the local authority in question, including any liaison regarding improvement plans and the outcome of any consultancy support. For more on support to local authorities see paragraphs 9 to 11 of this circular.

4. In Scotland and Wales decisions on audit and inspection and the production of reports rest with the relevant audit bodies. DWP liaises with these audit bodies, as necessary, and continues to offer and provide free consultancy support to local authorities in Scotland and Wales.

Areas of importance and DWP interests

5. Whilst it is for local authorities to decide how best to deliver their HB services, DWP’s interests arise from its:

  • funding responsibilities – both benefit and administration subsidy
  • interest in ensuring delivery of policy intent, including welfare reforms and the need for the correct benefit to go to the correct people at the correct time
  • the current level of fraud and error in the benefits system and the amount of customer debt

6. Our focus in 2019 to 2020 will be on the following areas:

  • Speed of Processing of HB new claims and changes of circumstance
  • action being taken to prevent fraud and error – primarily through local authority action to keep claims correct
  • Verify Earnings and Pensions data (VEP), with the use of data-matching and VEP Alerts
  • HB subsidy audit and assurance
  • reducing benefit debt levels and improving debt recover rates – informed by HB debt statistics
  • the relationship between LAs and DWPs’ Fraud and Error Prevention Service – (LAs have been asked to sign the LA/Counter Fraud Compliance and Debt Fraud Referral Service Level Agreement as part of Fraud, Error & Debt priorities)

7. DWP’s Housing Delivery Division (HDD) will use these drivers of engagement to monitor and provide support for local authority performance.

Sources of HB information

8. To decide if there is a need to engage with a local authority on HB operational performance and any service delivery issues DWP will draw on the following sources of information:

  • HB related data published by DWP (for example, caseload, Speed of Processing statistics, Caseload Management Information, HB Debt Recoveries statistics and the national statistics on the estimated overall monetary value of HB fraud and error)
  • subsidy returns, and any audit qualifications
  • other HB information that may be supplied by local authorities to DWP, including information from the Single Housing Benefit Extract, local authority returns on data matches and fraud referrals made to DWP
  • data that DWP collates monthly on its fraud investigation work in respect of HB referrals
  • wider information, such as any relevant reports produced by the audit bodies, correspondence received in DWP and press and media stories

DWP support to local authorities

9. Whilst it is for local authorities to decide what sources of support they may wish to draw on to deliver any HB service improvements, DWP continues to offer free to local authority consultancy support. HDD’s Performance Development Team (PDT) can provide support to local authorities in England, Scotland and Wales.

10. PDT produce regular updates in local authority publications on engagement with local authorities and resultant improvements and good practice identified.

11. To find out more about possible PDT support you can contact:

12. Relevant and updated good practice on key aspects of HB performance is placed on the HB pages on this website where HB claims processing and good practice information for local authority staff can be found.