Home Office Migration Paper
FOI CR13173 and CR13282 In response to a Freedom of Information request about the release of earlier drafts of RDS Occasional Paper NO 67 ‘…
FOI CR13173 and CR13282
In response to a Freedom of Information request about the release of earlier drafts of RDS Occasional Paper NO 67 ‘Migration: an economic and social analysis’ published in January 2001.
We have received 2 similar requests under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 for the following:
- Does the department hold a copy of a publication entitled “RDS Occasional Paper no. 67 Migration: an economic and social analysis”? Please provide me with a copy of this paper
- Does the department hold any records of earlier drafts of this document? Please provide me with copies of these
- I request copies of the earlier unpublished report that preceeded the published report, ‘Research, Development and Statistics Occasional Paper No 67 - Migration: An Economic and Social Analysis’, which was published in January 2001.
We released the following information on 18 January 2010:
Date: Mon Jan 18 00:00:01 GMT 2010