
Goodbye GSi: FCO email addresses are changing

The Government Secure Intranet (GSi) network is being phased out. The FCO will remove '.gsi' from email addresses from 31 December 2018.


GSI: why government email is changing for the better


Landscape of 2 people holding a sign saying 'goodbye gsi'

The GSI network is being phased out.

As part of this change, the FCO will remove ‘.gsi’ from its email addresses from Monday 31 December 2018.

What you need to do

By Tuesday 1 January if you email the FCO, you need to make sure you remove the .gsi from the email address: Make sure you update any records you may have, such as directories, web applications or forms that use FCO email addresses.

What will happen if you don’t make the change?

Until 31 December 2018 the FCO will continue to receive any emails sent to a .gsi address. After 31 December 2018 any messages sent to a .gsi address will not be delivered.


If you have any questions about this change or need more information, contact us.

Updates to this page

Published 20 December 2018

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